HDPE TUBE BUNDLE Direct Installed 7-ways 10/8mm with PE Outer Sheath 3.8mm

HDPE TUBE BUNDLE Direct Installed 7-ways HDPE Tube Bundle

The product are composed by 7-ways 10/8mm PE inner micro ducts, with low friction performance. The outer sheath is HDPE material with a colored sheath making the product suitable for direct bury application.

Raw Materials: 
NO. Characteristic Test Method Acceptance Criteria
1 Bundles is manufactured with 100% virgin HDPE
2 Melt Flow Index ASTM D1238 190°C @ 2.16Kg Load ≤ 0.40g/10min
3 Density ASTM D792 0.940~0.958 g/cm3
4 Environmental stress crack resist (F50) ISO 4599 Min. 96h
Inner micro duct:
1. Dimension
Type Outer diameter (mm) Wal thickness (mm) Inner diameter (mm) Pressure
Nominal Tolerance Nominal Tolerance Min. (bar)
10/8mm 10.0 ±0.15 1.0 ±0.15 7.8 15
2. Marking
The inner micro duct marking include the following information and repeated every one meter:
⚫ Product spec.
⚫ Coil number
⚫ Manufactured date
⚫ Length marking (e.g. =1234m)
⚫ Other markings are available upon customer requests.

3. Mechanical Performance -Inner micro duct 10/8mm
Items Standards Test method Performance
Inner diameter clearance IEC 60794-5-10 Annex E Pressure: 12 bar Max. sphere size: 85% of nom. ID Pass through the micro duct
Tensile strength IEC 60794-5-10 & 20 Rate of extension: 100mm/min ≥ 510N
Elongation IEC 60794-5-10 & 20 Rate of extension: 100mm/min ≥ 500%
Crush IEC 60794-5-10 & 20 Sample length: 200mm Rate of compression: 10mm/min Load: 460N Under visual examination there is no damage to the micro duct, and inner diameter clearance test can be passed.
Impact IEC 60794-5-10 & 20 Striking surface radius: 20mm Impact energy: 1.0 J Recovery time: 1 hour Under visual examination there is no damage to the micro duct, and inner diameter clearance test can be passed.
Kink IEC 60794-5-10 & 20 / ≤10x outer diameter
Min. Bend Radius IEC 60794-5-10 & 20 Number of turns: 5 Number of cycles: 3 Mandrel diameter: 12x outer diameter Under visual examination there is no damage to the micro duct, and inner diameter clearance test can be passed.
Friction / Mandrel diameter: 750mm Cable diameter: 2.8mm Load: 5.0Kg The sample duct is secured with 450° wrap around the mandrel. A 5.0kg weight shall be pulled at 500mm/min and travel 200mm ≤0.1
Tube bundle:
1. Configuration & Dimension
Color of sheath: Orange, Blue or customized
Thickness of sheath: 3.8mm
Ripcord: Available upon customer request
Tracing wire: Available upon customer request
Tube bundle
Outer diameter (mm) Wal thickness (mm)
Nominal Nominal Tolerance
37.6 3.8 ±0.25
2. Mechanical Performance
Items Standards Test method Performance
Inner diameter clearance IEC 60794-5-10 Annex E Pressure: 12 bar Max. sphere size: 85% of nom. ID Pass through the each inner micro duct
Tensile strength at yield (sheathing) IEC 60794-5-10 & 20 Rate of extension: 100mm/min ≥ 21.0Mpa
Elongation (sheathing) IEC 60794-5-10 & 20 Rate of extension: 100mm/min ≥ 500%
Crush IEC 60794-5-10 & 20 Sample length: 250mm Load: 3,000N Duration of Max. load: 1 min Recovery time: 1 hour Under visual examination there is no damage to the micro duct, and inner diameter clearance test can be passed.
Impact IEC 60794-5-10 & 20 Striking surface radius: 200mm Impact energy: 10.0 J Recovery time: 1 hour Under visual examination there is no damage to the micro duct, and inner diameter clearance test can be passed.
Min. Bend Radius IEC 60794-5-10 & 20 ≤12x O.D. Under visual examination there is no damage to the micro duct, and inner diameter clearance test can be passed.

The tube bundle are delivered on iron drum. The drums protected with black plastics foil and both end of the bundle are sealed with end cap to ensure that the inner micro duct will not be affected by water and dust.

HDPE Tube Bundle Package

Completed packages of the HDPE micro duct on drum can be stored outdoor max. 6 months upon the date of production.
Storage temperature: -40°C ~ +70°C
Installation temperature: -30°C ~ +50°C
erating temperature: -40°C ~ +70°C